10 month old with rash


I'm playing armchair pediatrician today.

Symptoms: small runny nose earlier this week because I remember thinking maybe she had a cold coming on, NO fever that I've noticed although maybe it was really low grade and I didn't realize, maybe a little off with her appetite now and then this week but never enough that I've worried, NO lethargy, NO itching.

Spots started on her face earlier in the week and just looked like baby acne, started to look more rash like on Thursday and has gotten progressively worse each day. Today (Saturday) it's starting to spread down her neck and I noticed a few small spots on her belly and back. I've tried aquafor one day, eucerin baby eczema lotion the next, and today coconut oil on her face.

If she isn't looking better on Monday I'll call the pedi but she doesn't seem sickly, no fever or itching, it's purely cosmetic at this point so I'm not overly worried. Could it be Fifth's Disease? Or just a bad case of baby acne?