The most amazing day of my life.


I was Due on the 3rd of March 2019. With my little Arabella. On the 15 of February she started threatening to come out. I had been in early Labor from the 15 of feb. flash forward to the 21st I had my Doctors appointment just a routine check up to see how the Poopaloops was coming along. I explained to the sister at my Doctors Office about how I was in pain and was having some serious Contractions but I thought they where BH cause I heard that Labor pains are a special type of ouchiemamma kind of pain. And she said no that’s early Labor. So she told my Doctor and he checked to see if It was true. I wasn’t dilated and not effaced at all. So the Doctor measured her and she was Aprox 3.3 kgs.

He asked me to get dressed and clean myself up and he will come speak to me about the plans. My husband and I were confused. But mainly because she was 3kgs the week prior. So the Doc. Came back in and said okay so Friday night at 12am I would like you at the hospital you are being induced. Which was the plan for the 2cnd of March if she didn’t come out on her own. Sp I figure hey what’s a week 🤷🏻‍♀️. So I didn’t sleep that Friday (22nd feb) because well I was under prepared and had planned to take the 1st of March off to finish and make sure I was ready. So I went to work on my last official day of being pregnant. ❤️ which was my plan since day 1. So I didn’t sleep and I had luckily booked appointments for a lady business wax and my nails to be done that Friday. So that I wouldn’t be a mess the next week. But anyway. I couldn’t sleep I was excited and needed to repack my bag 75 times.


So I got to the hospital at 12:05 am. And the Nusres are like oki doki little lady. Let’s get you to your room. And boom it was a private room. 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 thank the lord. So the put the fetal monitor on my tummy from 12:15 and but 12:30 I ask the sister to take it off cause my back is killing me and my tummy is sore. She says no only at 1 they need to make sure she is safe. So I’m like fml now I’m annoyed cause I’m in pain and I’m exhausted. She comes back at 1 and puts the gel on my cervix and says okay sleep tight I’ll check on you later. I was like wait? It’s not instant? 🤣😂 boy was I surprised at 1:30 I had a mild contraction and then another I was like okay cool that’s fine this won’t be to bad if it’s like this on the beginning. So at about 2 I get hit with a massive contraction flowed by the urge to pee. So I go pee. ( they checked me at 3 and I was 3cm dilated) Long story short it went on till about 4:30 my water broke and I was dying and moaning about the pain. But had to pee after each contraction. So I was up the whole time. At 5 the the rolled me into the delivery room. And I was only awake for the contractions that were minutes apart. They checked me I was 6cm. And ready for my epidural (because I’m a first time mom and not brave enough for the pain) the doc comes in at 5:30 and gets the epidural going at 6. (Shift change. The nurses suspected delivery at about 12pm) so I’m just laying there in heaven and the nurse wakes me up at 7 and says I just want to check to see how dilated you are quick. So I was like oki doki. The nurse looks at me and says okay my darling it’s time. You are fully dilated. So my gyne hasn’t arrived yet cause no one saw this happening so quickly except me 🤣 anyway he walked in at 7:15 and I pushed her out at 7:35 on the 23 February.

2.97 kgs

45cm long

Arrival time 7:35 am.

I could not believe how crazy fast my labor was. I think it was all the peeing 😂🤣 cause I must have been pushing since 1:45 😂 anyway it was quick and to the points the problem is everytime I have a period pain I have Labor flashbacks 🤣😂

This is her at 6 weeks