Anyone had/has a polyp?


So my last period was 39 days ago. I bled lightly for about 2 days and was in a lot of pain. I was fainting and puking.

I went to the ER and they gave me pain meds. I went to the doctor the next day and got an ultrasound and urine pregnancy test. The pee test was negative. I had the ultrasound a days later.

They called me in again and said they found a small polyp, which was causing my pain. But my puking, sore boobs, and exhaustion wouldn’t be from the polyp. So I had beta pregnancy test, it was a 1.

The symptoms start to die down then I start spotting for a week straight from cycle day 13 to 17.

Flash forward, my period is a week late. I had period like symptoms like mild cramping, sore boobs, and exhaustion then that all stopped and now no period signs. I took a pregnancy test again, because you never know. It was stark white, very negative.

Now I’m confused. My periods are “irregular” but never this late.

Has anyone had a polyp?

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