

My husband is amazing, supportive and sweet. Well, he is practically perfect ❤️. We’ve been ttc going on 5 months. Every time I get close to my period I tell him “honey we need to go to the store” (to get tests) he’s on board and in the car before me. But this month was a little different. He was in the car first... but it was what he said in the car that he’s never said before. He told me to stop trying so hard. I’ve purchased cheap amazon ovulation test and check every day twice a day after AF and all the way up until I see those dark lines. He works the night shift (goes in at midnight) but once that ovulation strip is positive I pounce, not thinking about what he’s feeling. I ask him every month to go with me to the store and he’s there when I come out of the bathroom disappointed and emotional when the test reads “not pregnant”. So of course when he said to stop trying so hard I broke down. How can I? Being a mom is me, that’s who I am. I’m a mother to a 9 1/2 year old and have always wanted a second child. How can I just stop. I tried to explain to him that conceiving needs to be timed and only happens once a month and he of course understood, as always. Then he took my hand and told me that he wants nothing more than to have another baby, but he also doesn’t want to see me sad and hurt. He tells me that it will happen when the time is right. I know that he’s right on this. I’ve seen women post on here how when they finally stopped trying so hard the became pregnant. But how do I do that? 🙁