What’s upsetting me


Hi ladies

So I’m not really a poster on here but tonight I really wanted to share something

Something that I didn’t know even effected me until tonight until I saw my little cousin doing it

Tonight I saw my little cousin (11) posting pictures of herself copying instagram and tictock models trying to post pictures of herself copying what they’re doing.

Until now I always considered the girls that copied the girls from instagram to have low self esteem or to come from a broke home.

But I see it I see the little girl trying to copy these models act like these models and be exactly like these models! Believe me it hits close to home and I’ve shed more than a few tears for this beautiful girl comparing herself to these skinny unnatural models. this is just a normal little girl!!!!

She’s posing using there phrases acting like them and I’m sorry but it’s not cute it makes me sick to my core!

Little girls acting like skinny women is the way to be! and being a size 8 I don’t say that as a position of hating skinny girls I just don’t think we shouldn’t glorify them anymore than we should glorify size 30

Tonight I feel like I’ve lost the girl who likes crawling in mud loving animals and just loving being a little girl.

Tonight I realise how social media is a plague among young women trying to figure out there identity!!!!

So if I could give any mother/ caregiver advice as cruel as it may seem take the phone away, let the kid be a kid, let her get dirty and learn who she is without looking at some bitch that makes her feel lesser.

Thanks for listening

Sincerely someone who finally realises the damage of social media