1 year on & I’m still not over my ex :(

so me and my ex...
We had a pretty good relationship even tho he would message ex gfs and picked his friends over me 24/7 , but we finished because he didn’t love me in that way anymore and needed to be single to focus on his last year at college etc. 
So we split up around a year ago and we stayed civil at first. But he knew I was going though a lot of mental health stuff and he didn’t care at all and cut all contact with me because it was “no longer anything to do with him”.
I know that’s horrible of him but he’s the only person I confided it so I wanted him as a friend at least but no. 
Then I found out he had a new gf pretty much a month after we split (even tho we split cos he wanted to be single). And I know of her and she’s been so rude towards me over social media etc. 
But anyway, it’s been a year now and I still find myself thinking about him honestly every single day! Stalking his social media/looking at pics etc etc. 
Any other boy I speak to I just compare to him constantly even tho hes made me feel so shit about myself that I don’t have the confidence that another boy will like me again.
but yeh Obvs this is a vague insight and I’m SO SO aware he’s a shit person to me but why am I still obsessing over him!!!! I’m not even upset anymore I just feel attatched! 
if anyone’s had similar experiences pls let me know how u moved on etc! thanks so much xx 
(ps before people say to block him/delete pics I wouldn’t do that as I’ve done that in the past and had a negative effect)