First time TTC Spotting 7/8 dpo

Ciara • 26 • Teacher • Married 9/30/17 • Christian • Dog mom hoping to be a human mom soon 😂

Ok, I’m brand new to Glow- as in just downloaded and logged my first period! So so so excited to begin TTC. I believe my period should have ended more like the 20th, so I could have ovulated a day earlier- on the 30th?

I’ve started spotting yesterday and today-5th and 6th- and have had some light cramps. Maybe wishful thinking, but could I be pregnant?! I should wait to take any test until I miss my period, right?

I would be 100% shocked if we get pregnant this first try because I’ve been on birth control for the last 10 years of my life...which also makes me nervous about miscarrying if we do get pregnant this quick. I stopped birth control before my cycle in March. Anyone else have successful pregnancies after stopping birth control so recently?

Ok, long post over 😅 looking forward to pieces of advice from y’all!