25 Year Age Gap

My boyfriend is 49 and I’m 24. We met at work (we’ve both changed jobs since then). We’ve been together 1 1/2 years and got an apartment together about 6 months ago.

Our personalities mesh well because we’ve had a lot of similar experiences that have made us who we are and we have a handful of similar interests. However, we’ve been having a lot of issues in the bedroom and, overall, I’m second guessing our relationship (not just because of sex). I haven’t decided if this is a bump in the road or me just wanting to be done.

I’m a full-time graduate student and Dietetic Intern. I work three jobs. He doesn’t have a degree or a steady job. I have a high sex drive, and his has diminished (he even said “I’m not as interested in sex anymore”). That alone has demolished my self-esteem. He keeps talking about getting engaged, and the last thing on my mind is marriage. I’ve never been the girl that fantasizes about a wedding. I’m really independent and driven, and he’s really overbearing/clingy/dependent and static.

I would hate to hurt him because he is such a selfless, loving man. But I feel like I’m putting his emotions before my own and in turn just hurting myself.

Thoughts? Am I just being an emotional/overthinking female? 🙄