Daycare starting monday


Well my daughter officially starts daycare on Monday, she will be 12 weeks on Thursday. I started getting nervous the closer we got, but now tonight everyone is sleeping and I am stuck awake crying my eyes out! I just keep thinking over and over again that she won't get the attention I give her, and no one will care about her cries like me. It's over the top I know, and as a first time mom I knew this part was gonna be hard, but not this bad. I'm so scared she will cry the entire time, and I'm also really nervous that it will be her first stretch not nursing for so long. I think the nursing thing is what has me the most nervous. She will take a bottle now but I'm always there to breastfeed her so we don't really need to use them unless we're out somewhere or family is over. Anyone start their babes already in daycare and are feeling good about it? I know it's great in the long run but it just feels kinda like the end of the world to me right now lol...any positive stories would help me come back to earth!!