2nd eptopic pregnancy and heartbroken 😞

My fiancé and I have been desperately wanting a baby since 2016. When in August 2017 we finally found out I was pregnant! We were over the moon but still a little scared. Very soon after finding out I knew something was wrong. I had to convince my doctor that something was not okay and exactly one week later they got me in for a early scan. To my surprise and 4 hours later all my dreams came crashing down when they told me I was experiencing an eptopic pregnancy. But not just any kind my doctor told me it was a cornual eptopic that happens when the embryo implants in the entrance of the uterus. Cornual eptopic account for 2-4% of all eptopic pregnancy.

3 shots of methotrexate and about 3 weeks later my pregnancy came to an end, and with it all my dreams. Fast forward to March 2019 after 1 year and 6months of TTC I found out I was once again pregnant! Happy and excited I shared he news with my fiancé, terrified that it would be another eptopic pregnancy, I prayed to god to give me the opportunity to me a mom. My hcg level where not only doubling they where higher than the doctors expected

15 dpo 281

17 dpo 740

22 dpo 9000

Progesterone was at 36 everything was looking great! My heart kept telling me something was wrong, when I started spotting. I went to the er March 29 2019 only to learn my worst nightmare was now a reality. I had another cornual eptopic pregnancy on the same right side! This time since It was farther along and my levels where so high my best chance was to have surgery. March 30 I lost my baby and my right tube along with part of my uterus.

How am I suppose to feel, I feel numb inside

How is it possible that this is happening all over again? In the same spot in both of my pregnancy’s. I strongly believe in gods plans and had put it in his hands but it still hurts deep inside me my heart is shattered.