Adnormal Period


I’ve been dealing with some rather concerning issues with my period lately. I’ve been to the doctor, well one doctor and it just doesn’t seem to be a big concern.

In February, I had a period for almost the whole month, like 2 days I had some peace and quiet from it all (had an ultrasound during that one and they said I was fine even though they couldn’t view my left ovary.)

March and this first week of April I’ve had 3 periods! First one wasn’t anything bad, 2nd and 3rd one have been absolutely the worst thing I’ve ever had to deal with! My 2nd period, I was passing clots ( took pictures for proof this time around) and I had a few bigger than a tennis ball. Every time I would get up and move around I would gush out, id run to the bath and sit down and instantly get light headed, instant headache, cold and clammy. I was going through super sized tampons every 30 mins. This period I’m currently going through, I’ve been on it going on 3 days now and I’m on my third box of super tampons. All these periods have been EXTREMELY bright red blood, deep red sometimes with the clots. The cramps this time have been almost unbearable (feels like after I had my child and uterus was going back to normal.) I can’t take much more of this. I hurt, I’m dizzy all the time, I don’t feel good, I’m tired of bleeding. What could this be?

I’m soon to be 28, 2 children both csections. Haven’t been on birth control in YEARS because I started getting black out migraines. I’m over weight but I’m healthy every other way (blood labs taken a while back.)

What could this be? What do I need to do?