Please help 😭

Hey everyone I know this isn’t Period or girl related but I really need help making a decision.. I got accepted into 2 of my favourite and first choice schools they are the same school but both at different locations.. with that being said I am having a really really hard time deciding between the 2 .. school A is a lot smaller and the residency is basically a town house shared between 4 girls my best friend is also going ! In one way I love this because it will make me feel more at home and is a great way to make friendships / more time with teachers since it’s so small ... now school B instantly had that WOW factor once I walked in it has Almost 10 X the amount of people but is more advanced in the nursing program it’s self they have moving robots to practice on and all new equipment the thing is is the residency is only shared between 1 room with 2 people again not a Problem but that’s what’s different I love that choosing school B will make me come outside of my comfort zone but I’m also scared of feeling alone + not meeting people school A will make me feel more at home but I feel like I won’t get the learning experience I do as in school B .. they are both equally as great but I can’t choose and I have been losing sleep over this :( ... one last factor is I’m branching to university after wards so I feel like school B will prepare me better but down fall is is I’m scared it would be too hard and I won’t get that one on one as in school A ... as you can see I’m very confused and I would love your advice / help or if you guys every related to something like this

Thanks ❤️❤️