Am I terrible?


My little is still in the NICU and all she's waiting on is eating. She's on the slowest nipple so she will still have interest in breastfeeding. If she had a faster nipple she would most likely be ready to leave because she wouldnt have to work as hard. She is really struggling to nurse for more than 5 mins. I'm getting clogged nipple pores, clogged ducts, and shooting nipple pain from pumping 7 times a day to supply her with milk and keep my supply up for when she can nurse.

But with all this struggle on top of all the NICU struggles up to this point I'm just ready to throw in the towel and just let her be a bottle baby. I feel like I'm being selfish but I also dont want to end up with matastisis from all the pumping and I want her home!

Am I terrible? Is it okay to call it quits and just choose bottles and formula?