Yeast Infection 🤦🏼‍♀️

So I’ve been a little itchy & my discharge has been white & thick (not clumpy like cottage cheese) so I figured it was the start of an yeast infection. I got the Wal-Mart brand 1 dose application to get rid of it Friday. Here it is Sunday & I am STILL super itchy down there & it’s worse 😞

Should I get another 1 dose or try the 3 day dose?

I use to just get the 3 day & it worked but I figured I’d try the one day so I can hurry & get rid of it..

Does it take a few days or something?? I’m miserable 😩 even using some miconazole cream for the outside & nothing..

I’ve had a handful of yeast infections in my life, this is my first one in like 3 years though 😭


I picked these up! Hopefully it works!