Cholestasis? Thoughts?

Ashley • 💗💙💗💔💗💙💗

I know it’s like us to over worry but lately (the last week or so) I’ve noticed *tmi* that my urine is really dark / practically orange. At first I brushed it off and upped my fluid intake thinking I was dehydrated but it’s still there.

So I googled urine color and pregnancy - sure enough Cholestasis was what popped up. I’ve had itchy skin but wrote that off as being dry. I’m super tired but then again I’m lugging around an extra 20 lbs of weight. Trying to just rationalize at this point because there’s no need to freak out.

I have an OB appointment tomorrow but won’t be able to go as we are getting hit with a snow storm 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ and I’m not traveling an hr away it rough weather. I plan on mentioning it with my drs office tomorrow when I call to reschedule but was wondering how many of you are currently dealing with this and how you were diagnosed.