Mom of 5, venting...

I'm a sahm. I have 5 kids, 8 and under. I'm so appreciative and grateful that my husband works so I can be with our babies, but sometimes the things he DOESN'T do, irks me so badly. He works, so yeah it's my job to keep everything up at home. I know. That. I don't have a problem with that. I somehow manage the 5 kids and keeping the house tidy simultaneously. BUT when he is home and off work for 2-3 days, he literally does nothing. I mean if the toddlers spill dog food, it's automatically my job. Even if I'm busy hanging laundry up, feeding the 5 month old, etc. He will holler at me "So and so spilled dog food!" "So and so has a poop diaper!" "The room is looking dirty we need to vacuum." I swear I'm about to lose it. If you're home with YOUR kids and me, you can change a damn diaper. You can sweep up some dog food while I'm busy. I do this crap 24/7 like, you're not broken. I swear I feel like I'm this man's momma too. It's driving me crazy. I've went off, I've talked nicely and calmly, nothing works. Sometimes he will help for a day or two, and go back to acting helpless. I get it. I used to work while he stayed home and when I was home I didn't want to do anything, but I did. I was up at 4am, work from 6am-4pm, come home and cook, give babies baths, put them to bed, all that. I didn't feel like it. I still did it. It just makes me aggravated. And honestly feel like I'm single sometimes, because I feel like I'm doing way more. I know he makes the money, but that's all he does. I just get sick of feeling this way and nothing changing.