Nervously Excited


I’ll be 43 on Tues, 4/9, which is scary enough on it’s own accord. We have 1 beautiful Son who is now 4 years old. Back in Oct 18 we started trying for 1 more and after a visit to my OB, she said my AMH was really low and said my only option was surrogacy. I was extremely offended and disappointed that she would instantly jump to that conclusion without further testing. We decided right then that I would never go back to see her again. Then, after researching, quite extensively might I add, she had performed my tests incorrectly. Turns out all the CD she said weren’t important, really are important. Enough about her. In December, after seeing THE kindest fertility doctor, I had an HSG & U/S and my Husband did a sperm test. She put me on Synthroid, Femera (CD 3-7), and an Ovidrel Trigger Shot. The HSG came back as looking great, minus my right tube, which was removed when I was 15. My cervix and uterus looked great. Needless to say, I did not conceive that month. We skipped January and tried again at the end of February. However, I added DHEA to my vitamin regimen. I had 3 eggs triggered that month and nothing.

On 3/25, I went in for my U/S to trigger after the Femera and had 5 eggs 18mm or above and 5 immature. I don’t known if the DHEA helped, but I told the doctor and she said to keep taking it. I was told that everything looks really great and to go home and trigger. As some of you know the TWW is absolutely T-H-E longest 2 weeks of your life. They told me I could test starting on 4/7. My period was supposed to start yesterday. I was about to explode yesterday so I broke down and did a digital that took almost 4 minutes to register my results, but it did give me a positive. I waited until Noon today to take the First Response they recommended and it turned positive in less than 45 seconds. I’m super nervous because I’m scared of getting my hopes up, or worried that it’s the trigger shot and not real. I didn’t test between the shot and test, as many women do, because we were on the road a lot due to 2 people in my family passing. I’m going to test again tomorrow and probably the next day. I don’t really “feel” pregnant yet. With my Son it was 24-7 morning sickness from the start until my water broke REALLY early- Jan 2, 2015. He was due on Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015. I kept him in until 32 weeks exactly and then the labor was hard and fast. He came in at 4.2 lbs and 17” long on 2/8/15, and although very small, he hit the floor running. I think that part scares me to death, but I really want it to be easier this time. Please send lots of prayers this way, as many of you know, it’s a sweet but scary time. I guess I’ll be excited when I see it and get true confirmation from my doctor.

If all goes well 🙏🏻, I’ll be due on December 17, 2019, and it will definitely be the best Birthday gift of all time!