Mmm what’s going on 🤨


So I was on birth control for 3 months due to my ovary being enlarge just a bit, so the doctor prescribed me norethindrone. I loved it it went so well with my body, it took my pain away. The doctor specifically said you WONT get pregnant for 3 months. Which was like ummm okay I’m not trying anayways. I have an appointment on the 28, just to check my ovary is fine. I seriously don’t think I’m pregnant so that’s not my concern. I want to keep taking birth control because it helped me so much with the pain I had and the doctor said I might have a slight chance I have endometriosis or pcos. We are going to see how it’s going if it was that. Any ways I started taking some pills called alani nu *BALANCE* i started my period that same day, but BLACK blood. And for only like 3 days I haven’t seen my period in like month maybe it skipped because of that blood but I’m off birth control now