Dreaming about my ex??? (I know it’s long but have a heart help a b!tch out sis 😞)


Hey y’all!!!! Soo I have a problem.. I’m going through something really strange and I don’t understand it. I have a boyfriend whom I love very very much. You could say I’m obsessed with him and that’s an even bigger reason why I don’t understand why I’m having this problem. So about 3 years ago I was seeing this guy (let’s call him Steven). How we met? His sister was and still is a frequent client of mines. One day he came to pick her up a little earlier than he was supposed to so he knocked on the door, I opened it and I swear it was an immediate attraction between us. He came in, I offered him something to drink and some famous Amos cookies while he waited and he took it 😂.. he watched me the whole time and tried to make small talk so at this point I started to rush because I was going through some things my NOW bf was putting me through and I didn’t want any other man even looking at me the way he was. Finally I finished, he took a business card and they left. A few days later he called me and asked if he could come through to get a facial and reluctantly I said yes. He came and he turned out to be really nice and I just remember thinking how beautiful his face was. I told him about my situation (IDK Y WE JUST VIBED WELL 🤷🏽‍♀️) and I’ll admit he listened to me vent so well. When I was done he hugged me and said if I ever needed a friend I had his number. Maybe 3 days later he texted and asked if I liked ice cream ( it was 🔴 week and it didn’t sound like a bad idea 🤷🏽‍♀️) we went and talked more and at this point I learned he was single. I WAS FEELING HIM A LIL GIRL OK?? I liked his conversation, he was nice and he seemed..genuine. A week went by since we seen each other and I asked him out to dinner and he was floored. After dinner I invited him in for a night cap. We talked until the sun came up and before he left we kissed. As you can imagine from there we hit it off. We had sex 6 times the whole 5 months of talking to each other. He ended up moving away for a job which he asked me to come with him girl 👀 but I declined. We tried to do the long distance but it didn’t work for us so we hung it up on a good note. 3 DAYS AGO I SAW HIM AT THE GROCERY STORE. He walked up behind me while I was putting my groceries in the car and covered my eyes like guess who? I turned around and my stomach dropped into my ass 😧. We hugged and he told me he moved back in town earlier this year. He was checking me out and told me how great I looked, then looked at my hand and was like “Wow no ring yet?” I replied with an awkward ass not yet. I looked at his and boom bitch a ring!! I said “ I see someone snatched you up” and like I knew he would he spoke of his wife highly and proudly despite them going through something right now (REAL MAN 🙌🏽👏🏽)!! He asked if my number was still the same and if I still did those facials. I gave him a new card and he said maybe he could bring his wife over one day to get one and I said okay. We hugged again before we went separate ways and he told me he prayed to god that he would send him a true friend to confide in. EVERY NIGHT SINCE I SEEN HIM I HAVE BEEN DREAMING ABOUT HIM YALL. Not just any ole dreams I’m talking HOT WET JUICY DREAMS AND IM FREAKING TF OUT. I need them to stop 🚫💯. I know they’re just dreams but this is stressing me out. I love my man y’all, Im crazy about him and Idk why this is happening!! 3 years was a long time ago and I literally feel nothing for Steven! I’m so upset about this girl for real. Isn’t in weird that when I needed a friend he came along and now he needs one we randomly see each other at the store 🤔? Coincidence? Idk bisshh idk