8 weeks pregnant with joint hypermobility syndrome has got me fired!


I have taken a week off I’ll from work due to this and needing to rest a bit, my boss has decided this is grounds to fire me, I worked 8 hour shifts with no breaks, wasn’t allowed to sit down, generally treat like crap, last week the boss decided to go on holiday at the last minute with his missus, she’s also an employee, whilst another employee was off o holiday, leaving myself and another staff member to cover the shifts and keep the pub going, after that week my hips were in agony and I needed some time off, now I’ve been fired, I have proof in a message from the manager why I’m really being fired as the landlord has emailed me stating it’s because of lack of work available, complete rubbish as in the managers message t clearly states they need reliable help as they have lots of shifts these next few weeks, i will be taking this as far as I can!

**edit** in the uk we have to self certify for 7 days before we can get a sick note.