is this ok pt 2

I cannot stay withsomeone

I HAVE called his bluff when i did suddenly it was on me wanting the divorce.

he says its ok to threaten divorce because i cheated. Its ok to because he said it must be what i want since i cheated...its not....he said me telling him he cannot just toss that around without meaning it is my way off saying hey i cheated its ok WHAT I DID me telling him to stop saying it is my way of pushing off my cheating on him and my way of saying what i did was right and what you are saying is wrong...

I cannot stay with someone...Example my grandfather passed away a few weeks ago, I was upset over it, clearly. According to him being upset or angry or even annoyed is my way of bringing up my affair and being sure he does not forget it. He said he thinks its my way of pushing him away. So i cannot have any bad days at all or according to him i am trying to bring up the affair.

He said its too soon to make a choice to make it work or not. Its too early he has to see how we are gonna get along first.

Yet he has booked a vaction for the kids and i

ordered us new wedding rings from Kings