Future child’s name

I’m sure everybody has different opinions on this. And I think whatever you feel is right is what you should do. But I’m just wondering about early miscarriages and using names you have thrown around. I got to carry the baby I just lost for 12 weeks. I had no idea it had stopped growing at 8 weeks until my 12 week ultrasound. So of course my SO and I had started brainstorming baby names. I think we almost decided for sure on a girl and were still coming up with boy names. We didn’t know the gender or anything. I’m guessing my question is would it still be ok to use that name in a future pregnancy? I don’t want to feel like I’m “replacing” the one I lost. Because my heart is and probably always be broken from that. But we hadn’t actually given it a name as we didn’t even know what we were going to have. I’m just looking for some ideas or opinions. We mostly just decided on first names. We were still thinking of middle names.