Should I ask to use the Gonal F this cycle?

I’m currently on my fourth cycle of femara. The first three we did 5 mg days 3-7. The 3rd cycle I had a chemical. This cycle (4th) we did femara 5mg days 6-10 (started later because of the chemical and labwork) and piggy backed with femara 7.5 days 13-17 after the ultrasound and labwork showed not much growth. On day 20 I finally had one mature follicle so we triggered (timed intercourse) and and started progesterone suppositories 72 hours later....I’m now on day 34 and if I don’t start my period by Wednesday go for labwork to say if I’m pregnant or not and to stop the progesterone if I’m not. I’m pretty sure I’m not and had a negative HPT this morning so I’m not hopeful.....they prescribed me Gonal F but didn’t have me use it this cycle. I’m wondering if I should ask to use it the next cycle if my test comes back negative since it will be my 5th cycle with femara and I only had the one good follicle even with the piggyback. I also have PCOS. Any advice?