Birth control gone wrong

Okay ladies I got the nexplanon birth control on January 23 and the moment the doctor marked me I asked her if that’s the right spot because I’ve gotten it before and it wasn’t that high in the arm. She said “ that’s exactly where it goes “ her being a doctor i believed what she said. I go back 2 weeks later and she can’t feel it. She said it might be swollen still so come back in a week. I went back and she had todo an ultrasound to make sure it was there. She said it’s deep in and she’ll call the people who make nexplanon and see if they can send her another and she’ll get back to me. A month later her office calls me and tells me she wants to remove it and she’ll only charge me half $150.00

I told the nurse I shouldn’t have to pay when it wasn’t my mistake. So I made another appointment with a different doctor. My ex doctors office called me again and told me she’ll do it for free. I went to the new doctor yesterday and he told me he couldn’t feel it at all and that she put it in my muscle and it probably moved somewhere else. He said him or no other doctor will remove it. I have to go back to her and I have to tell her I won’t be paying anything for her to remove it. Since I’ve gotten it my arm has been having really bad pain. It feels like when you hit your funny bone but it’s all over my arm. The new doctors aid she could have hit a nerve. My family thinks I should sue her. I don’t know what todo. I just want it out and the pain to go away. What do y’all think I should do