Clomid & short luteal phase help please!


Any advice please!

Went to my OBGYN for problems getting pregnant. I said I was having a short luteal phase so she ran some tests fsh, amh.

My CD4 fsh level was 8.5

My CD4 amh level was 1.11

She started me on 50mg of clomid days 5-9. This made me ovulate on cd18 instead of cd22 but still gave me a luteal phase of 10 days.

She tested my progesterone 3 days after ovulation not 7 (it was at 13) so she said it was fine and I was ovulating. I never doubting my ovulation, my problem I believe is the luteal phase...

She wants me to do another round of clomid 50mg days 3-7 but I'm not confident that will help. I can't afford to go to a reproductive endocrinologist! Any suggestions? She also told me to stop taking my dhea and b6 supplements because that can shorten mybluteal phase so I did but I keep breathing b6 is good to lengthen your luteal phase.

I'm sooooo stressed out and discouraged! Can anyone give me any advice? Anybody gone through this before?