Two week wait signs?


So confused...

So we are on our two week wait... (day 3) Not 3 days past ovulation. Just 3 days into our two week wait...

I had no idea actual sign signs beyond missed period in the beginning and feeling nauseous... Both of which are normal for me I have highly unregulated periods. But this is different than last time I had this issue.


I can't even stay awake longer than a few hrs at a time.

When we do have sex i have to fight to keep from feeling like imma b sick..

Started cramping up..

My boobs.. I usually can't go without a bra, but I've gone a full day of work without one it hurts to even accidentally touch my boobs.

I've been cramping on my left side slightly not much but kinda like a dull ache

Now I'm at the point where I will usually start my period (between day 3 and day 7ish of two week wait) so idk..

Maybe I'm just going crazy?