Please tell me your experience with Sprintec?

I recently got put on sprintec for birth control and I’ve been doing it consistently except for a couple of days that I missed due to this being my first time with birth control pills. But I started my period this morning and I felt absolutely horrible. I was in so much pain I had to take 2 800 mg ibuprofen to make my cramps go away and then when I went to first go to the bathroom because I don’t know if the birth control caused this but I just felt like death. I was so nauseous and shaky and got all sweaty. I felt like I was going to pass out and I’m not a fainter. I’ve only ever passed out once in my life when I was sick. But I literally had to crawl on the floor and just lay there because I felt so awful. Has anyone else had symptoms like this before with sprintec?