I’m so fucking tired

I’m going to rant for a second. About my dad. Granted I love him to death and I’m very thankful with the help he had given me especially in the past months. But the older I get the more I realize some of the things he’s done has now hurt me emotionally. Mainly because he gets so mad. And bring politics INTO FUCKING EVERYTHING. I don’t really want to think he’s racist. But honestly at times I do. He’s so old school with his political views. Tonight it was about a hospital... he didn’t yell but he was getting mad that I had brought up that hospital. And started on politics. I just walked away and went to my room. He gets so mad and yells, screams, throws things call us rude names. God forbid you disagree with anything because then he calls me a fucking millennial idiot or something involving politics. He didn’t really do it much when me and my brother were little. But around 16 for my brother and 17 for me. He hasn’t yelled my my sister yet. And he never yells at my mother like that. And if he drinks at all it’s gets 100times worse. Like he was yelling and screaming at me and then proceeded to spit dip in my bedroom floor because I told him to calm down about something that wasn’t a huge deal. I got married and moved away the first chance I got. I wanted to do things in my own and get away. That didn’t work out and I had to move back in. I love my Mother to death. I love him too... but I don’t want to live with my opinionated asshole dad if I don’t have too. I’m tired of being bullied in my own home. I’m so tired of it. And feeling like my opinions don’t matter.