Slacker Boob🙄

JustAMommyTTC★★★ • Stay at Home Mommy &Wife💞🧔🏽👩🏾 👧🏽12/22/2016| 👶🏽Baby 3/29/2019 👼🏽8/2018 👼🏽1/2020 👼🏽2/3/2020 👼🏽2/28/2020

Got a question for my pumping mommies and retired pumping mommies. What did you ladies do to even out your supply? With my first child my left breast was my slacker n now with my second it’s my right one. Now 12days postpartum n I don’t want to take any supplements just yet so I am looking for natural ways to even them out. Currently power pumping so we will see by the end of the week if that makes any difference