Serious mental health/financial stress


Before kids my hubby & I agreed me being a sahm especially during prek years was important.

Now we have twin 19mth olds and because of my work experience and the cost of childcare (we obviously dont live near family and we dont have friends available to babysit to cover what would have to be full time work to break even)

Anyways I love my hubby. We've known each other since middle school, our families live 10 minutes apart (small town)

And I found out that he has maxed out our credit card behind my back ($3-4000 of debt)

He used to let me do the budget but took over a few months before tax returns to try to take some of the stress off me. I was struggling with adapting to my lonely new lifestyle but we both knew he had financial... difficulties. Hes just not a responsible spender. It got out of hand so fast and I only found out because he missed multiple "automated" payments on a card and car and my credit score took a 100 point hit. His is shot because hes missed so many payments in the past.

I rely on him 1000% monetarily and pur families will never support me moving home or going back to work at the cost of our relationship. Scared but in love with my childhood friend. Serious nervous breakdowns and scary thoughts while trying to make things work with my kids. Pcsing in summer, no point in pursuing therapy this late (didnt have a working car and gas to drive me at any point since birth of twins) Someone help. Hes gonna bankrupt us