Short Period/Ovulation Question


Hi all- I have been tracking my ovulation since January (opks and temping) but this is our first month officially trying (yay!). In Jan and Feb I am showing ovulation on cycle day 16 and 17, respectively and in March cycle day 14. My period came right on schedule this month but was SO short and light - 3 days and somewhat light. I am starting my OPKs earlier this month just to watch and track to make sure I don’t miss my surge and my reading already says .49 percent low reading on CD 5 but it usually doesn’t say that until CD 10ish.

Any thoughts?? I did take a pregnancy test to be sure and was negative (though we weren’t trying last month). I’m just confused about the short period and now possible early ovulation. I’m trying not to worry and over analyze but this is our first month officially trying.

Thank you!!