Son doesn’t like me as much as everyone else...

LO is about 5 mo old. I’ve been with him on maternity leave since he was born. I started having a baby sitter over one afternoon a week about a month ago. And last week I sent him to day care full time. He seems to like it.

I noticed that basically he smiles and laughs spontaneously with his carers/babysitters, with Grandma and even Dad who does nothing at all to help, but like not to me... I visit him during the day while he’s at day care, I spend like an hour or hour and half with him. When I see him for the first time, his face doesn’t even register a reaction.

It sounds vane but it like kills me. I give him everything, I’ve spent all my time on him and his play time, feeding, washing etc for months, and now... like he just doesn’t care? My husband even joked “oh he just takes you for granted”. That did not make me feel better.

Anyone else have this experience? Any suggestions?