Polyp on my uterus


Idk if this is the right page to write/ask this so sorry in advance if its wrong.

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant almost 3 years now we got pregnant last year and ended up having a miscarriage and did a D&C last May well we decided we wanna try and get pregnant with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> well we had to run a bunch of testing first to see what is going on he did his semen analyst and blood work and everything came back great I did my blood work came out great checked to see if I'm producing eggs and I am alot actually did my HSG to see if my tubes were blocked both are fine did my SHG and found out that there is a polyp on my uterus and could be blocking his semen from trying to get to my eggs so I'll have to have surgery in May to have it removed... so I guess what I'm asking is has anyone had this problem and became pregnant? Or anything positive from it? I'm so upset and just cant seem to stop crying 😭