Rough day at work today and I can’t get over it.


I’m the only female in an 18 person IT team. I’m on paper working as an admin assistant but the actual job is an IT position. I’ve been doing the same job since the first day I started back on August 1st 2018. Since the beginning my boss has stated that he was going to give me a promotion because union rules state that if you’re working 51% as another job class you either need those tasks taken away or you need to be put in that job class.

This was supposed to go through in February after I’d been there for 6 months and was past my probation period, but my boss has been dragging it out. Today I found out that it isn’t going through until after the biennium (July 1st is the first day of the next biennium). I’m just... I’m exhausted and I get paid literally $10,000 less than our entry level IT person and I’m a fucking administrator.

And the worst part is that I can’t get emotional because I’m the girl in the office and despite what my boss says it matters. Because when I broke down in his office because I was over worked and couldn’t keep up but the other guys were walking around the halls looking for shit to do he started treating me different. Now when a manager asks me to do something they always say “I don’t want to stress you out but...” or “I know you’re busy but...”.

I’m just so fucking tired. And I’ve been letting my exhaustion and irritation show and I know it’s not helping me. I just want to make what I’m owed. I just want to be compensated for what I’m worth.