Never to be mommy

I don’t think God wants me to have a baby. I’ve been trying for 3, going on 4 years. Everyone is getting pregnant around me, everyone’s having their beautiful babies. Even on here, women who have been trying for yeaarrrssss are finally getting their rainbow baby. And here I am, dealing with PCOS, period 2 weeks late (safe to say it’s not showing up this month) even after taking provera for 10 days. And a bucket full of BFN so I’m not pregnant. How can I ovulate to baby dance if my period won’t even come on. Usually provera will start my period but not this month. Also, that was my last 10 pills of it and I’m irregular still so I doubt it’ll come next month when it’s supposed to, if even at all. Out of all the people in the world, he pick me to be deprived of such a beautiful blessing. Why me? They have sooo many women who don’t even WANT their kids, who neglect, give away or abuse their kids.. yet I’m the one who has to suffer with unfixable infertility. I can not afford

<a href="">IVF</a>

& all those thousand dollar treatments for something my body should be doing naturally. I just can’t stop asking why me. What could I possibly have done in my pass to make God feel as if a good enough punishment would be making me struggle to conceive. What is it about me that screams “she’s not worthy enough to carry a child”? I’m just so tired of being purposeless in this world. All women were created to reproduce & contribute to this world except me. And it’s so draining. I hate everything about me & this stupid body. It really was pointless of being born.. I can’t even finish our family. I guess it just stops at me. Hope my

Mom didn’t want grandchildren, because I am the only child. And looks like she won’t be getting any from me & my husband.