Membrane sweep at 38 weeks 3 days did it work??

Pamela • Blessing with a 2 little boys and baby boy due april 23rd 2019

Hi ladies! I had my sweep done at 38 weeks and 3 days this is my 3rd pregnancy I've always had the sweep done at 39 weeks with my other two pregnancy and went into labour within 3 days after getting the sweep. It's been a few years sense my last pregnancy and can't remember how I felt after getting the sweep done! It's been almost 24 hours sense my sweep and I haven't lost my mucus plug yet when my doctor did the sweep I was only 1 cm and she said that my cervix was high I had a little cramping after the sweep along with some contractions that were getting stronger but now that I wake up this morning I feel awesome and just want to clean and get things done.. I'm starting to feel like it didn't work which is kinda disappointing just where it has always worked with my pass pregnancies. What are your ladies experience?