Leaky boobs???!!!


Hey ladies,

So I'm in the dreaded TWW and at 8/9DPO. I'm not a symptom spotter as I've done all this before to know AF and preg signs are almost the same! But, I gave my nipples a squeeze tonight and they are leaking clear fluid. This may sound really odd, and ur thinking like why the heck is she squeezing her nips?! (😂) Well here's the back story. I breastfed both my babies (now 3 and almost 2), my youngest stopped BFing at 1 year, but even up till 6 months ago if I gave them a tiny squeeze there was something still coming out, just the tiniest bit. I did to see if I did to see when I actually dried up completely. And it still a habit really, even though I've had nothing for 3 months now.

Surely this has to be a sign of a BFP as only the preg hormone can trigger that response (other than a pituitary tumour). I was breastfeeding my first when I fell preg with my second so have nothing to compare to.

Long story short, has anyone else had this?? If so what was the result??

I was planning to test on Mon at 10 DPO, but pretty tempted to do it tomorrow.