Is this a birth control side effect?

So I started my birth control on April first (almost two weeks ago) and I wasn’t feeling symptoms at first but now I’m wondering if I am having them after all

For starters, I’ve been having really weird stomach feelings. Like at random times my stomach feels like it’s so empty and like it has a hole in it bc it’s that empty and it tumbled even though I just ate. It’s not even necessarily right after I take the pill, but I never had this happen before starting the pill

I also have been feeling like a weird nausea at times. Not full-blown nausea but sometimes it feels like ugh I can’t eat. Like I cant even look at food or think of chewing. Even though I also feel extremely hungry sometimes

And lastly, I’ve been feeling so tired! Like at random times I feel my body get so heavy and I feel like just sleeping

Could this be because of the pill or maybe something else???