3mnths PP C-section bleeding 😱


Hi moms,

So I’m currently 3 months PP and had a C-section that was stubborn to heal... so I’ve been going to the doctor weekly to check my incision wound... I went to the doctor about 4 days ago and was told I was finally complete closed and healed...

I was deep cleaning my kitchen (calmly) when I felt like a hair (pubic) get pulled from my incision site... I kept cleaning my counters when I decided to check... I have an small apron belly so I keep a cloth there for moisture... any way, so I checked the cloth and there was a small hair with what looked like a piece of scab or thick hair follicle at the end of it and about a small dot of blood on the cloth 😣... I just want to know if any C-section mamas out there have experienced this as well and what was your outcome? I’m just so over this incision not healing and I’m scared that I might have reopened again and tired of the weekly doctor visits 😩