
So about a month back my lovely husband decided to send me a text message asking for a divorce after not hearing from him for 2 months. Which at the time I assumed that was due to training (recently he got kicked out of the army for abusing alcohol and doing drugs). I thought oh he’s just upset about getting kicked out let me make sure he knows I’m here for him through anything and everything we will get through it. Two weeks after I got that text from him one of the guys from his barracks found me on fb and messaged me. He said “I don’t know if you know but your husband is back in the states and has a girlfriend.” (I spoke to the gf she claims she had no idea and that he went to the state she lives in June and they started dating. And he’s there now Yet he told me he was stuck in germany and couldn’t get leave back in June. I spoke to him n he said they’ve only been dating since January. So who the hell knows) Also he’s been cheating this whole time we’ve been married almost 2 years next month. I was 17 he had just turned 19 when we got married.

And the guy sent picture proof. I was devastated. I waited faithfully two years for this man. Little back story: he was stationed in Germany I was in the states because he kept telling me to just wait here. He had me cut off my friends family; didn’t want me to work or go to college. Had to ask for permission to even step foot outside he would get furious if I didn’t. He was receiving BAH(basically money he got that he was supposed to send a certain amount for housing to me but never did. Instead he spent that on prostitution clothes alcohol) Half the time I stayed with my mom then he got me to move in with his great grandfather. Now that we are getting a divorce I don’t know where to start or what to do. I work at an assisted living facility now so there’s that. Everyone is saying take him to court for the BAH that he never sent. I never planned for this so I’m doing my best to find a place fast get in school etc.

So I guess I’m asking advice for your opinion on wether or not I should take him to court for the BAH and if anyone knows how to go about doing that and wether or not I should see him when he’s apparently coming back to where I live in a few days to get his things or any advice you have on this situation is greatly appreciated. THANKYOU!