You're Invisible Unless You're Pregnant or Have a Baby


So my husband's family is all about the babies. Which is great and all but can be unfair at times. My husband is the only child of hers that doesn't have a baby. We've been trying to have a baby since we got married in October so it's not that we don't want one. Anyway, it's so annoying because we're constantly getting asked when we're going to have one, if I'm pregnant right now, or I get accused of not want one. The last one gets me so mad because they don't understand how many times I've gotten my hopes up just to not see those two lines. I understand that they want another niece/nephew or grandchild but I wish they would lay off. So like I said, we're the only ones without a baby. That means that we get left out of everything. They never tell us what they're doing when it comes to family stuff. We're never in on anything at all. But I bet you can guess who all does get to be involved in family stuff. Yup, everyone who's pregnant or has kids. I don't understand it. This doesn't make me want to do anything with them when we eventually do have a kid. If they don't want to involve us anything without a kid then why would we be happy to do anything when we do? Sorry that this was long. I just needed to vent I guess. Does anybody else's family do this?