I get it now

Ash • mother of 3 boys and 1 girl

When you are young you take alot of things for granted you dont appreciate the small things in life you dwell over things that shouldn't even be looked over twice you dont say I love you enough you think that there is always tomorrow well this last Friday I realized that sometimes there isnt a tomorrow I was going to wait until Monday to see a dr bc I thought my body was just tired from doing things all week but decided to go to the drs office to see if I can get an appt for Monday but when I told them my symptoms they told me to go to the er I get here to find out I had an infection in my uterus an infection that over the weekend could've gotten alot worse or couldve easily taken over my body and gone into my blood stream and caused sepsis all reality smacked me in my face as I sat in my hospital bed and cried bc what if I wouldve have come in what if I would've waited my babies would be alone and the last things they would remember is me being mad about something stupid or me crying over something silly so I decided that life is short and my babies all deserve to be happy and have great memories so I decided that things need to change I know that I'm a good mom and a good woman but i want to be a great mom and woman 😍😍😍😍