creative places to have sex?

i have really overprotective parents, so my boyfriend and i (im 17 and hes 19) have had to get creative when it comes to when/where we have sex. im not allowed over at his place because he lives by himself and whenever hes over at my place my parents check in on us like every 10 minutes. we are fine with waiting to have sex, seeing as we dont absolutely need it to have a good relationship, but there are times when we really want to and its not exactly easy to find places to do it. does anyone have any good places or ideas?

my parents track my phone, so they would know if i wasn’t where i said i was. the times we have had sex have been like in single stall bathrooms in public places (i know disgusting)

im really not looking for judgement or your opinions on my situation, so if you aren’t commenting to answer my question please just skip over this post

thank you!