Uncomfortable 😢

It's a differicult conversation but I feel like it would be better if I got it out instead of keeping it to myself. My husband returned two weeks ago from a 6 week TDY. Prior to him leaving I asked that he think deeply about where we stand on having kids. Back story: a year ago we found out that he had low sperm count and mobility. He has not taken much action to see the doctor. Which is why I felt maybe we needed to readjust to where we sit with this. We have been trying for 5 years, married 8.

Upon him coming back, we dove into the conversation on where we both stand. During that emotional conversation, he came out that since my continued weight gain, sex is not really very comfortable anymore.

So here I am two weeks later trying anything to lose weight, feeling hurt, angry, and just depressed. My husband doesn't want to have sex with me.