I don’t know what’s going on.

**update** after a failed suicide attempt and spending a bunch of time around my sister whose suicidal as well but helps me cope with my problems. My dark thoughts about killing myself have gone away at the moment. But the anxiety is still there, and the eerie presence is as well. A google search told me to burn sage around my house to try to get rid of the bad energy. Did it last night and it helped some but I still feel it. Just very little.

A friend of mines just had a loved one pass. Seeing that on top of just seeing a lot of deaths around me lately has my anxiety currently going through the roof. I’ve just been having constant thoughts regarding death and although I’m not in a low when it comes to my depression. I just have like this eerie cloud as if I’m going to go soon. And it’s not helping my depression and just causing me a great amount of anxiety. I honestly just need advice on some kind of coping mechanisms or just something because I feel like I’m sinking.