Should I leave him?!


I have been with my fiancé for 5 years (I’ve known him a lot longer through work) he knew that when we got together I was deaf and that eventually I would become fully deaf I also got diagnosed with epilepsy (got diagnosed in 2015 it’s genetic but I’m now the only female in my family that’s has it now as my cousin and aunt both died from it) he keeps telling me that it’s not his fault I can’t hear him or lip read him as he has grown a full scruffy unkept beard. He says I should wear hearing aids which cause immense pain and infections, I’ve tried explaining this and he just says not his fault. He wants us to try for another baby I don’t want too, my first baby was stillborn at 7months and my rainbow was an emergency c section at 7 months, my parents passed away in 2007 and 2015 and his parents have zero contact unless my partner takes her to them I try and explain that they are her only grandparents and should make more of an effort as mine can’t and yet again he says it’s not his fault.

He uses my depression and anxiety against me and Tells me that he could take the baby off me (he lives in my house and pay 80% of the bills) Sorry for the long post just needed to vent somewhere

Update: I earn more than him so I’m not financially dependent on him and he doesn’t contribute to our child’s upbringing