Will I ovulate?

Shelby • Married Aug ’17—baby #1 March 2020

So while yes I’m currently on my 5th cycle of letrozole (5mg) about to be on my fertile week!

Last month my new doctor tested me during my TWW to see if I ovulated(my other doctor [cycles 1-3 of letrozole] tested before so don’t even know if those worked) but this past cycle I found out I did ovulate!! Does that mean I’ll keep ovulating? And did I ovulate then the past fee cycles too?

She said if I don’t get pregnant in the next three cycles to make an appt with her again and go from there, that’d make it a year of trying😣

Any advice or experience would help?

Just want to finally be pregnant with our 1st! I feel like all I see are babies/pregnancies/baby stuff everywhere...