Hubby issues

Sister on law is having issues with her husband for the last year. Started when she sent him pics of her. He was working nights and asked her to send some. She didnt want to but did. He turned around and swapped them with his buddy. They saw each others wives butt ass naked. She was furious. After that, he got fired from his job. She still holds both of these things against him. Well there were some things that came up along the way as they're trying to go to counseling and get help. Recently he lied about going to a swap meet with another buddy. He deleted texts between them before telling his wife to look at proof, but missed some. 🤦‍♀️ and then to top it off he downloaded 10+ videos of porn onto her WORK laptop!!!

So, basically shes lost all trust in him and knows she deserves better. She hates to leave him after 15 years, 2 kids, and a very long life together. But she said she doesnt know if she can love him or trust him anymore.

Any advice or tips I could send her way? She wants to work it out but also doesn't.. lol obviously she only knows what's best. But any help from the outside world is appreciated ♥️💕