How long to wait on someone?

Hello everyone- some background to start. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. He has a girl that he sees every other weekend and I have 2 boys that live full time with me. He lives and works right over an hour away from me and his daughter lives close to an hour from both of us. Think of the locations like a triangle. We have decided to live in my town since my kids are established here and I have family that can help out when I need them to. He has no family or close friends where he lives as he mainly moved there to be closer to work and at the time hung out with his family (that obviously has since broken up) in his limited time off. He needs to do a good bit of work to his house to sell it and needs to repaint and replace all flooring since his ex brought the dogs in and let them go all over the house and she would paint small sections of the walls different colors. He doesn’t make a lot of money and although his ex didn’t work while they were together, they barely made ends meet. Now that he has to pay child support it makes it even tighter with the bills.

So we’ve talked a lot about living together and getting married but obviously he will need to fix his house up and sell it first. In the past I’ve offered my help and he says it’s not something I should have to worry about or help fund. However, I don’t see it ever happening. In his time off he comes over but he works overnight shift work, takes overtime when he can, and has a gas hog of a truck so it makes it even more difficult and we can easily go a week or 2 between visits. It sucks but it’s doable. But I’m 34 and we’ve been together a decent while in our age and I honestly can’t see anything changing in the next 6 months to a year or possibly longer than that. Is it bad that I’m thinking how long is too long to wait?