2 weeks pp question 😅

Titta • 24 years 🦂 With 2 perfect daughters 💕

Well a couple questions actually. So I had my baby girl on March 30th, and needed 1 or 2 stitches. Well my bleeding slowed down and was brown/green for a couple days then it’s been heavy and dark red again. Well not super heavy like I’m not leaking out of my pad but should I still be having dark red bleeding at this point?

Second question, I’m breastfeeding this baby and she’s been constantly eating. Like yesterday she had like 2 hour long naps and was awake eating the rest of the day. She keeps wanting boob but then falls asleep after like 5 mins and I’ll lay her down and she wakes back up and wants to eat again. It’s driving me crazy and I don’t know what to do 😩😩